Short Fiction Anthology

Bar Stories

Bar Stories

edited by Scott Brassart
Alyson Publications, 2000

"Patron of the Arts"
("Show Me the Money!
Hustler Bars")

A Short Story by
Jack Fritscher

Edited by Scott Brassart
Alyson Publications 2000
ISBN 1-5558-3536-8

"Do You Believe I Love You?" Kevin Bentley
"The Smoiff Collection" Blaise Bulot
"Taking in the Anchor" Christopher Horan
"My Night Tonight" Bob Condron
"The New Me" Jim Piazza
A Turkey Bar Plucking" Dean Durber
"No-Fun Club Kid Turns 30" Mark MacDonald
"Patron of the Arts" Jack Fritscher
"Bully in a Bar" by Gregg Shapiro
"Post-Communist Bar Trilogy" Ernest McLeod
"Who Is Hansen Waiting For?" Gene Michael Higney
"My First Pickup Line" Ethan Bandon
"Bless You, Bella" Duc DeForge
"Holloween Drag" Christopher Lucas
"No Choices (Keine Auswahl)" Owen Levy
"Midnight in the Garden of Evil" Joe Frank Buckner
"An Amsterdam Night" by David May
"The Catalyst" Brian Cochran
"Roosters at the Seashore" Michael A. White
"Backroom News" Wayne Hoffman
"Beasts in the Burbs" Mack C. Abbott
"Adventure at the Phoenix" Blaise Bulot
"Night Town" Randy Clark
"Rocky, I, II, III, IV, V" Chip Livingston
"Five Nights" Ian-Andrew McKenzie
"Once on Christmas Eve" J.G. Hayes
"In Search of Local Wildlife at the Gizmo Lounge" Ron Suresha
"One for the Road" M. Christian

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